- Training
Levelling up Presentation Skills for Game Loungers

Headgain and David JP Phillips teaching techniques, developed primarily around the ins and outs of elevating public speaking, is one of them.
Alexander Grabner-Jarlung, a coach and mentee of Headgain’s founder, David Philips, has built his career around improving the way that leaders speak. Each program is custom-built around the specific needs of each individual’s way of presenting, and after viewing some of Game Lounge’s recorded presentations, he developed a workshop tailored to the employees.
Over the course of a two-hour Zoom workshop, the Game Lounge leaders learned actionable insights into how to improve their presentation skills – what gestures to use, how to enhance their vocal techniques so their voice will carry and capture the attention of their audience, and over one hundred additional ways to create fascinating presentations that no-one will want to miss.
Based on the teachings of David JP Phillips, renowned for his exceptional TEDx talks, our employees went in expecting the best, and left ready to go and work on what they learned.
This was a sentiment carried across the board – many other attendees brought up the value of Alexander Grabner-Jarlung’s teachings. They mentioned the usability of the lessons as a specific highlight of the workshop.

Gian De Silva, our UX/UI designer, found the workshop invaluable. “The workshop was such a game-changer for me,” they said, “it helped me step out of my comfort zone. The exercises were practical, fun, and gave me the confidence to face an audience without feeling like I was going to melt. Plus, it inspired me to create a Spotify playlist called ‘Meetings’ that I now listen to before every meeting. I highly recommend it for anyone needing a confidence boost!”
On similar lines, Katrina Haggarty, our Head of UK and NZ, said, “The presentation workshop was engaging and informative. It gave me actionable tips that I could immediately apply, empowering me to improve my public speaking. I’m excited to put my new knowledge into practice in my next presentation.”

Adding to the praise, Charlene Vella, our Head of Vibes and Comms, found the workshop illuminating, and especially praised how interesting it was. She says, “It was a highly engaging two-hour workshop that kept me completely captivated from start to finish! The engaging and interactive sessions, paired with actionable takeaways left me inspired to apply these skills in both professional and personal settings. I’m excited to invest more time in applying these insights and making a stronger impact in my role!”
By upskilling employees, and ensuring that they have all the tools they need to excel in their role both on a personal and a professional level, a company can build a stronger internal culture overall: one that champions its employees’ strengths, and creates opportunities for them to work on their weaknesses, establishing a business culture that leaves no one behind.